For tomorrow:
Don´t forget the material you need to make your puppet and the scenario
you will use in the making of your video.
This is for Friday the 13th.
Questionnaire #2 Reading 1
31.- What is part of the problem of the orangutans?
32.- It takes care of 400 habitats:
33.- The expression "was chosen as our national symbol" refers to?
34.- "Foster parents" are? (Explain)
35.- What happens to the first thing a baby bird sees?
36.- When the "Endangered Species Act" became a law?
37.- Is a distant cousin to the elephant:
38.- What died in 1989?
39.- Make a briefing of the reading and tell if you like it or not and why.
40.- "Make A Commercial"
Skim "And Now The Good News" to find information about the manatee or
another endangered animal. Chose one and write a commercial sponsoring it.
In the commercial, include two ways to help the animal.
Deliver date: Wednesday the 18th.
Deliver format: Video-File (.mpeg .mov .wmm, etc).
Extension: Minimum 60 Sec, Maximum: 1min.