Hi dear students! Remember your exam will be this Thursday, Oct 20th. You will have one module (50 min) to answer it.
This is what you will find:
1. Use of have/has got
- Affirmative
- Negative
- Question
2. Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)
3. There is / There are
- Affirmative
- Negative
- Question
4. Room possessions
5. Simple present
- correct use of auxiliary
- Affirmative
- Negative (don't/doesn't)
- Questions (Do / Does)
6. Reading comprehension
You have to study what you have in your notebook and also the notes and exercises in your book. Remember that your exam is the 60% of your grade.
-- Defeat is not the worse of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
------George Edward Woodberry
Liz Arredondo