lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011


Hi dear students! Remember your exam will be this Thursday, Oct 20th. You will have one module (50 min) to answer it.
This is what you will find:
1. Use of have/has got
- Affirmative
- Negative
- Question
2. Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)
3. There is / There are
- Affirmative
- Negative
- Question
4. Room possessions
5. Simple present
- correct use of auxiliary
- Affirmative
- Negative (don't/doesn't)
- Questions (Do / Does)
6. Reading comprehension

You have to study what you have in your notebook and also the notes and exercises in your book. Remember that your exam is the 60% of your grade.

-- Defeat is not the worse of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
------George Edward Woodberry

Liz Arredondo